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Getting started


Rails Installation

  1. In Gemfile, add:
    gem "view_component-storybook"
  2. In.gitignore, add:

Storybook Installation

  1. Add Storybook Server as a dev dependency.
    yarn add @storybook/server @storybook/addon-controls --dev

    Storybook Controls addon isn’t required but is strongly recommended.

  2. Add an NPM script to start Storybook. In package.json, add:

      "scripts": {
        "storybook": "start-storybook"
  3. Configure Storybook to find the json stories that the gem creates. Create .storybook/main.js,

    module.exports = {
      stories: ["../test/components/**/*.stories.json"],
      addons: ["@storybook/addon-controls"],
  4. Configure Storybook with the Rails application url to call for the html content of the stories. Create .storybook/preview.js

    export const parameters = {
      server: {
        url: `http://localhost:3000/rails/view_components`,

Quick start

Create a ViewComponent

Use the component generator to create a new ViewComponent.

bin/rails generate component Example title

      invoke  test_unit
      create  test/components/example_component_test.rb
      create  app/components/example_component.rb
      create  app/components/example_component.html.erb

This generates a new component:

# app/components/example_component.rb
class ExampleComponent < ViewComponent::Base
  def initialize(title:)
    @title = title

Add a template for the new component:

<%# app/components/example_component.html.erb %>
<span title="<%= @title %>"><%= content %></span>

Write a story for ExampleComponent

Stories are ViewComponent Previews with some Storybook magic sprinkled in.

# test/components/stories/example_component_stories.rb
class ExampleComponentStories < ViewComponent::Storybook::Stories
  def hello_world
    render "my title") do
      "Hello World!"

Storybook Stories JSON

Generate the Storybook JSON stories by running the rake task:

rake view_component_storybook:write_stories_json

Remove existing Storybook JSON stories by running the rake task:

rake view_component_storybook:remove_stories_json

Start the Rails app and Storybook

In separate shells start the Rails app and Storybook

rails s
yarn storybook

The second command will open the Storybook app in your browser rendering your ExampleComponent story! Hello World

Dynamic Stories with Controls

Storybook isn’t just for rendering static stories. Storybook controls enable dynamic stories with variable inputs. ViewComponent Storybook exposes a similar api to describe dynamic inputs to component stories. For example add text controls to make title and content dynamic:

# test/components/stories/example_component_stories.rb
class ExampleComponentStories < ViewComponent::Storybook::Stories

  control :title, as: :text
  control :content, as: :text
  def hello_world(title: "my title", content: "Hello World!")
    render title) do

This adds text controls to the Storybook Controls panel. Changing the values re-renders the component. Hello World Controls

Available controls and their options are documented on the Controls page.